recharge accumulators. ago I’m pretty well versed in Factorio. The efficiency of a solar panel is defined as the power that a solar panel will be able to generate from the light power supplied to it: Efficiency = electric power generated by the solar panel [W/m²] incident light power [W/m²] Since this is a ratio of power fluxes and we are dividing Watts/m² by Watts/m², the efficiency has no unit. The line represents the ideal ratio given. This is a solar power blueprint designed to be built from the map view in a late-game base. Post all other topics which do not belong to any other category. 84 ratio is good (84 accumulators for every 100 solar panels). Jump to page: Previous; 1. 5% (3. 5. Ratio for solar panels vs accumulators I'm running my base on solar power only, and I can't really figure how to calculate how many of each I need. 84 accumulators/panel. What you want is to try to approach a ratio of 0. History 0. My plan was to have a cluster on the north and south pole. Calculator supports different surfaces, their different day-night cycles and solar power multipliers. 1MW this works out to 50 solar panels and 42 accumulators exactly. 0. The optimal ratio for solar power to charge enough accumulators is 21 accumulators for 25 solar panels (supplying 42kw per solar panel. Post all other topics which do not belong to any other category. I almost always try to stick a layout similar to the picture sbroadbent posted. Post all other topics which do not belong to any other category. But you can also get away with a simple 1:2, one accumulator for every 2 panels if you don't feel like being that fiddly. Post all other topics which do not belong to any other category. These calculations take the day/night cycle into account - they call for ~1. Ratio for solar panels vs accumulators I'm running my base on solar power only, and I can't really figure how to calculate how many of each I need. . Post all other topics which do not belong to any other category. In practice, there's no actual difference. 19 solar panels per accumulator. Post all other topics which do not belong to any other category. Post all other topics which do not belong to any other category. Post all other topics which do not belong to any other category. So the most balanced ratio is 3:5, three accumulators for every 5 solar panels. 169 posts Page 7 of 9. But if you ask if you can ever have too many, say 1:1 ratio is possible too but slightly wasteful to resources. Post all other topics which do not belong to any other category. At that rate it will take 30 minutes of full sun to charge those accumulators. 169 posts Page 8 of 9. 5%) Solar panels: 180. A tiling-ready solar array built to near-perfect ratios. 84 ratio required to sustain power through the night assuming you have exactly enough power. See full list on solar-energy. These are the numbers I use. While the sun is out, your solar panels have to output Q power (where Q > P). Jump to page: Previous; 1. A (over production to charge accumulators during day) = B (energy needed at night) C energy delivered by panels. 54 accumulators short of perfect ratio. Size: 48x48 (2304 tiles) Usefull area : 2224 (96. Like the famous 0. The formula for the vanilla day night cycle is 0. - Day length in minutes multiplied by 1000 rounded up (6945 for Nauvis). 4MW). (NIGHT) Solar panels are producing 50% nominal power 40% of the day. If you run a lazor-defense you might want to have some accumulators more to account for the massive power spikes whenever a wave of aliens attacks you. The night is like 10 min. 84. My calculation for optimal solar panel / accumulator ratio. 84, something that approaches an ideal setup would be 21 accumulators to 25 solar panels. 169 posts Page 6 of 9. Post all other topics which do not belong to any other category. 332Balu Mar 3, 2016 @ 10:23am. 84, something that approaches an ideal setup would be 21 accumulators to 25 solar panels. 5 solar panels will fully recharge the power accumulator during the 16 hrs of daylight. 965 tiles / MW 68. Post all other topics which do not belong to any other category. Steam all the way. So about 3% of the area of your blueprint does not supply any power at all to the factory. 169 posts Page 6 of 9. 75 ratio. But if you ask if you can ever have too many, say 1:1 ratio is possible too but slightly wasteful to resources. Post all other topics which do not belong to any other category. Accumulator / Solar panel ratio. For me it is 1:1 mainly because of the spatial design, easily tile-able and low-supply for the slow conbots out of the mk1. Building a few Accumulators is a fine idea, but there is no meaningful ratio. Overall your factory will require 23. Accumulator / Solar panel ratio. 169 posts Page 7 of 9. 84. 320 kW / tile 430. Accumulator / Solar panel ratio. 5% (3. Other power generators will always be used before accumulators. The optimal ratio for solar power to charge enough accumulators is 21 accumulators for 25 solar panels (supplying 42kw per solar panel. 168 * (MaxPanelOutput kW / AccumulatorCapacity kJ) * CycleDuration s * (Efficiency / 100). 5% of the tiles, used by the roboport and the substations, are not used by solar panel and/or accumulators) and an accumulator/solar panel ratio of 0. 84. This is where the above formula fails, since it fails to account for the increased power production during dawn and dusk per accumulator when using a ratio less than. Jump to page: Previous; 1. 169 posts Page 8 of 9. ReplyAccumulator / Solar panel ratio. For every 1 solar panel, from vanilla or. If your power draw is constant, then the optimal ratio is 25 Solar panels to 21 Accumulators. 18:15 solar array: solar-panel:. So for every 10 power of nighttime consumption, build 1 accumulator and 2 panels. Jump to page: Previous; 1. Latest Version: 0. 169 posts Page 7 of 9. Jump to page: Previous; 1. Their ideal ratio is 10:7 which means 1. Post all other topics which do not belong to any other category. 0. 2. Post all other topics which do not belong to any other category. ago Solar Panel/Accumulator Ratio? I've gotten to solar panels. Jump to page: Previous; 1. The ratio doesn't matter nearly as much as people seem to think it does. Optimal solar panel / accumulator ratio, automatic logistics network tiling, walking space - it has it all. Post all other topics which do not belong to any other category. My ratio was 23. Accumulator / Solar panel ratio. Post all other topics which do not belong to any other category. Accumulator / Solar panel ratio. 028 krastorio solar - vanillla accumulators: 1. level 2. Post all other topics which do not belong to any other category. This blueprint book provides four solar array designs with a variety of features. Accumulator / Solar panel ratio. Jump to page: Previous; 1. Post all other topics which do not belong to any other category. 169 posts Page 5 of 9. 13. MadZuri's design. Now you have enough, for a while. Post all other topics which do not belong to any other category. Accumulator / Solar panel ratio. 2 R = 1. 1. Jump to page: Previous; 1. In bob's I believe the mk1 high capacity accumulator is the same as two regular accumulators. 8 solar panels per megawatt, so you can quickly calculate how many should you need to set up. 3: Now by pressing this button you adjust number of accumulators based on your desired accumulator capacity which gives you 84 accumulators. Jump to page: Previous; 1. The day on the planet has like 50 min. Post all other topics which do not belong to any other category. Post all other topics which do not belong to any other category. 169 posts Page 7 of 9. 66. 169 posts Page 8 of 9. Joined: Sun Oct 18, 2015 5:47 pm. You can keep it 100% powered with eight solar panels and six accumulators, which is at a 0. - Efficiency percentage (Nauvis is 100). It also has extra wall around. 84. That big number put me off. 169 posts Page 7 of 9. 8*P solar panels per 20*P accumulators, or 1. Accumulator / Solar panel ratio. 84, something that approaches an ideal setup would be 21 accumulators to 25 solar panels. One of the most favored is called Solar Panels Perfect Ratio by svsv. 84. . 169 posts Page 6 of 9. This tutorial video covers Solar panel arrangements for use in various stages of the game, as well as including the blueprints and designs for some of the ma. . Post all other topics which do not belong to any other category. 1 power accumulator to 6. Post all other topics which do not belong to any other category. It as a space efficiency of 96. . 169 posts Page 8 of 9. Jump to page: Previous; 1. Welcome all,. Accumulator / Solar panel ratio. It is then the amount of total charge accumulated. Well, everything except symmetry. Discussion 5 Metrics g This mod and Space Exploration andre2 2 years ago Hi, in SE planets are different with different cycles. It would be a huge help if this mod would work with SE. 66 / 17. The night is like 10 min. So far I got 4. Accumulator / Solar panel ratio. His final ratio was 100 solar panels to 84 accumulators, or 1. 18 - 1. Customise your own train, add a carriage, just make sure to set a requester chest at your walls ammo point. This one was created 2 years ago. 002016 * 540 s * 1. well, it is almost perfect - but it is easily tileable and producable in huge quantities. 84 accumulators. Accumulator / Solar panel ratio. Jump to page: Previous; 1. Don't know how to use a machine? Looking for efficient setups? Stuck in a mission? 15 posts • Page 1 of 1. Accumulator / Solar panel ratio. 827 = good ratio! This BP Acc/Solar Non-Repeating Ratio: 47/52 ~= 0. 18 - 1. Post all other topics which do not belong to any other category. When repeating this blueprint in a long row, the accumulator-to-solar-panel ratio drops a little bit to 68:84 ~= 0. Jump to page: Previous; 1. I had found that a ratio of 1. This gives the accumulator/panel ratio. Jump to page: Previous; 1. 66. This isn't Factorio; you don't have a fixed-length night on most planets. The ideal vanilla ratio is 0.